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School attendance,

apprenticeships and jobs

It is particularly for the work of committed teachers, educators and helpers in the region that more than 800 children can be supported in Conakry.

It is particularly for the work of committed teachers, educators and helpers in the region that more than 800 children can be supported in Conakry.

In some regions, children whose mothers die during childbirth are regarded as harbingers of the devil and bad luck. They are blamed for their mother’s deaths. So they are abandoned or buried alive together with their mothers. The home in Gouecke has already taken in a lot of these children. Presently, there are 35 infants and toddlers in our orphanage. When growing up, they should be able to attend school and to train for jobs just like the other children.

The boys are presently accommodated in 7 houses. A home has been opened up for girls as well. There they live in small and manageable groups with names like “gazelles,” “lions,” “tigers” or “panthers”. To some extent, these groups should make up for the children’s loss of family bonds and provide them with a feeling of security as well as with a chance to set up an existence of their own.

Until the children can be reintegrated in their families, they experience an almost normal family life in  the shelter home. They attend school, clean their rooms and play soccer. In the April of 2007, 350 children were living in the 8 homes. Many of them can be reconciled with their families after 2 or 3 years. The others remain with us. They may attend school until they have received their highschool diplomas, and consequently they attend the vocational school for professional training. Many of the children have already graduated from high school, or they have completed their training as masons, carpenters, locksmiths, electricians or cooks. Some have even had the chance to go to university.

From his first wage of 50 euros as a factory worker, Kemo gave 15 euros to his sick old mother and 15 euros to the shelter home.

Fode finished his three-year training as electrician. He is carving and selling sculptures in his free time.

Overview of the 8 houses (2007)

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