Star of Hope above Conakry e.V. We are a medley of different people - friends and acquaintances of Father Stefan Stirnemann and his natural sister M. Rudolfine Stirnemann, as well as a number of people committed to supporting Father Stirnemann in his project for the street children of Conakry. Involved in our group are people of all ages, ranging from the parishes Mariä Geburt in Bach, St. Elisabeth in Kareth and St. Konrad in Regensburg, professors, physicians, teachers at the school in Wörth-Wiesent, students of Arts and Sciences as well as medical students to many more volunteers and family members. The motivation and main aims of our group are to secure the continuing existence of Father Stefan’s project, to provide all the help that we can, and to guarantee that all benefits that we raise in various campaigns and by donations of benefactors go to the children in Conakry without any deductions. We are happy to welcome you on our homepage. We hope you will find adequate and convincing information on this site. |