We are happy if you spread the word about us and our project
In the name of Conakry’s street children, we would like to thank everybody cordially for their support, suggestions and criticism. Every article is listed together with its source. |
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Stadt NeutraublingDie Stadt Stadt Neutraubling berichtet auf ihrer Internet-Präsenz:  Mit Kuchen für afrikanische Kinder Am 15.09. ab 9 Uhr ist der Hoffnungsstern über Conakry e.V. um Schwester Rudolfine im Globus mit einem Kuchenbuffet vertreten. Der Erlös aus dem Verkauf kommt den Straßenkindern der gleichnamigen westafrikanischen Stadt (Guinea) zugute, Schirmherr ist Bürgermeister Heinz Kiechle. Quelle: http://www.stadt-neutraubling.de/neutraubling2005.de/index.php |
Speech by the One World Group Rhede By buying the diverse products in our shop, you support many different projects, small producers and families in their right for fair pay and a decent life. As all members are volunteers, the small profits are also donated to a project: Father Stefan Stirnemann’s initiative for street children in West Africa. Since 1997, the One World Group has been supporting a project for street children in Conakry, Guinea’s capital in West Africa. This support has been launched by Rheder Lucie and Manfred Höyng, who got to know the project while working as development workers in Africa. Guinea is one of the poorest countries in the world. With the break-down of familial ties out of immense poverty and the high death rate (caused by diseases like AIDS), many children are forced to live on the street. Father Stefan Stirnemann’s project takes care of many of these children. So far, Father Stirnemann has taken in far more than 100 children. In rented buidings and houses subsidized by donations, he and his supporters provide for the children’s accommodation, nourishment, clothing, and education. The older children are encouraged to learn a trade. To help these children and the many more who still live on the street, Father Stirnemann urgently needs financial support. We try to help him! Source: http://www.rhede.de/Eine-Welt-Gruppe.1710.0.html |
Missio magazine: people, church, continents
MOTHER GERTRUD For over 25 years, a woman from Munich has been saving money to support the children in Africa With printed t-shirts, orphans from the west-African Guinea are thanking their mother Pöflinger. In the course of her life, the 78-year old woman from Munich has donated 70,000 euros to the orphanage in the country’s capital Conakry. “I want to fill my life with meaning. And that becomes possible only by giving to others,” says Gertrud Pöflinger. She has the means to donate only because she herself lives on very little money. She makes ends meet with 2,70 € a day; she has never been on a holiday. However, Mrs. Pöflinger does not mind. When she meets Father Stefan Stirnemann, the head of the orphanages in Guinea’s capital, he tells her about the progress his fosterlings make. With Father Stefan’s commitment and the help of his supporters, more than 200 boys have found a home. About 30 educators provide the children with an education and help them find apprenticeship training positions. Listening to these reports provides Gertrud Pöflinger with the joyful feeling of a holiday. Elisabeth Tyroller, Missio magazine no. 5/2006
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